Sunday, May 1, 2011

Osama Bin Laden Dead - Who's Next?

Big day in the world, huge day in America.  Osama can no longer orchestrate any plans, attacks or funding of terror attacks.  Here are some headlines, pictures and tweets from the night.

G.W. Bush and Bill Clinton weigh in:
Incredible Picture
"Shot In The Head"
From Twitter:
An engineer said :engineer working on WTC site to wall street journal: "you can sort of hear the silent cheers of 3,000 ghosts.
 Anyone notice Obama interrupted Trump's Celebrity Apprentice, imagine how many viewers that took away late on a Sunday night.  Obama's staff is smart, he's been campaigning for a year now, and he's becoming weary of Trump's successful swipes.  I bet you it was strategic, a good cause!  But politically strategic.

Another question, Osama was close to the Pakistani Capitol, I have no doubt the Pakistani's were hiding him as he was a tool against the West.  At the very least high-ups in the government of Pakistan knew, the mansion Osama was at was heavily fortified.  The type of fortification that the Pakistani's couldn't not notice.

In other news:

Osama Bin Laden finds out 72 virgins do not await him in hell.

Twitter: World Record Holder of Hide and Seek dies.

One helicopter crashes from mechanical failure, a woman is used as a human shield (these Muslim terrorists are dirty fighters) read about the firefight.
 The Firefight

Burial At Sea
In order for his burial place not to become a terrorist shrine they the corpse will be fed to the sharks.  OK, maybe that's not how THEY put it, but it's close enough.  Read on below.
Burial At Sea

Why in the world are we giving Osama Bin Laden a respectful Muslim funeral with the flowers and all (maybe not the flowers). The man orchestrated massive terror plots, maybe we have yet to see some, that murdered more than 3,000 people making double that amount of children without one or both parents.  Oh yes, let's bend over backward to the Muslim's who have cut the heads off of our soldiers and innocent citizens.  That makes complete sense.

My suggestion, send in a Christian to give the final rights (in this case he does have a chance in hell!) and bless the corpse to feed the fish well.  Then send in a Jewish Rabbi or two, that is about as American as I can think.

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