Monday, May 2, 2011

Mr. Contradiction

If you are hailing the chief with praise for his quick response (that took over five meetings to make a decision) you must first remember all credit goes to our American soldiers who carried out the "order".  Obama wrote on a piece of paper and Authorized the mission and use of force.  That's it.

Your right, he did do more.

Obama campaigned on closing Guantanamo - Guantanamo detanees provided information pertinent to the mission to find and kill Osama Bin Laden.  Enhanced interrogation works.

After campaigning Obama would get America out of Iraq, he entered us into a Third War [Libya] where U.S. Generals are now suggesting American ground troops.

Obama ordered the death warrant of Bin Laden April 29th, 2011 - Bin Laden was on the most wanted list since June 7th of 1999 dead or alive.  The operation to capture or kill Bin Laden was going on long before Obama "ordered it" to happen.

Obama signed a memo in June 2009 to CIA Director Leon Panetta "in order to ensure that we have expanded every effort, I direct you to provide me within 30 days a detailed operation plan for locating and bringing to Justice Osama bin Ladin."  Bill Clinton ordered cruise missiles against Bin Laden's training camps, Osama was the primary target.  Obama was sitting in on Reverend Wright's church services at this time.
Leon Panetta knows how to do his job without a memo, he'd already been pursuing Osama.

From The New York Times
The Obama administration outlawed harsh interrogations and ordered the C.I.A.’s secret prisons closed on his second day in office. The president has said that the use of so-called “enhanced interrogation techniques” amounted to a dark chapter in American history.

Guantanamo is still open, advanced[harsh] interrogation techniques are still used.  My best guess is that Obama learned what the reality was about the war and how we stop terrorists from adding to the list of over 3,000 dead, innocent, civilian, Americans.

The bigger point is Barak Obama has ON RECORD lied repeatedly, this is only another addition.  Why do I take issue with him over the Osama operation?  Because he is attempting to claim credit for something he never wanted anything to do with.  He campaigned on "peace", he talked tough against "torture" (even though no one to this day has been found to have used torture methods), he advocated against our wars and resetting American relationships around the world.  He has done none of the above and only hurt our relations with allies.

The Queen didn't even invite the Rock Star Barak to the Royal Wedding!  Elton John was invited, why not the "Yes We Can" man?

Obama would not have Osama Bin Laden out of the picture unless George W Bush had pursued Osama and held steadfast against the onslaught of extreme left taunting and insults which sounded more like elementary school kids arguing over who is more popular.  The only difference is elementary school students understand money, politicians have no concept of the dollar.  Obama has proven he can not be trusted with money as he has tripled in one (1) year what Bush did in eight years.  Obama is no different than any other president in regard to inheriting a mess as just about every president has come in with debt already standing.  Obama has only added to it faster than any other president in American history, that is unarguable.

How many more times can we contradict ourselves Mr. President?  When you're a splendidly corrupt compulsive liar, I would expect quite a few more U-Turns.  Ah yes, the speech was quite a bit of rubbish minus the true parts about the sacrifices our troops make and God Bless America.

More to come in the days ahead!  Delightful reporting, have a magnificent day!

Mr. Nice Guy

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